Diagnostic and fixing weak links in referring to powerlifting with Sebastian Kot „KFD”
Biomechanism (muscle function, muscle strength, kinematics, leverage selection to lift)
Anatomical factors which influence squat, bench press, deadlift
Diagnostic: examination of joints passive movements, resistance tests, proportion of muscle strength, weak links in main exercises
Course of powerlifting „Podsztanga.pl”
Physiological determinants of strength
Learning the correct technique of squat, deadlift and bench press
Personal trainer course „RockFit”
Basics of anatomy
Biomechanism of strength exercises
Training programming
Mobility and proper movement patterns „Athletic Development”
Holistic approach to body mobility and types of techniques improving that mobility
Searching, examining and addressing dysfunctions of human musculoskeletal system (Asymmetries of muscles strength, deficit of mobility, lack of stability
Basics movement patterns, technique and regression
Core stability
Myofascial trigger points therapy „Body relax”
Diagnostic of the body
Finding trigger points
Work on trigger points
Relaxation techniques
Speed training specialist „Elite training academy”
Teaching progression of acceleration techniques
Omni-directional movement – agility vs pace of changing the running direction
Progression model in agility training
Learning the skill of changing running direction (shuffle step, crossover step, hip turn, cut, and so on)
Speed training programming
Powerful performance specialist „Elite training academy”
Base of the tests examining player’s conditioning
Creating player’s profile
Selection of appropriate training measures to player’s profile
Force – velocity profile
Plyometric training
Training with medicine ball
Weightlifting elements
Power training programming
Individualised training programming „Against yourself”
Anatomy and disfunction of respiratory system regarding to the resistance training
Axial skeletal conception
Energetic aspect of strength and hypertrophy development